University Fernando Pessoa
General rules regarding the payment of school fees at UFP (2019/20)

Article nr. 1
School fees and their typology

1. As foreseen in the legislation, it is up to Fernando Pessoa Teaching and Culture Foundation (FFP), founding body of University Fernando Pessoa (UFP) and the School of Health Sciences of Fernando Pessoa Foundation (ESS-FP), to annually establish the amount for the tuition or school fees that the applicants who wish to apply or the students that attend courses of cycle of studies taught by the university and/or the school.

2. Tuition or school fees are due for an application, for the request the creditation of previous studies and of professional experience, for the registration and inscription in curricular units of a course or a cycle of studies; for the application, registration and inscription in post-doctoral projects; for the re-entry request; for taking appeal and special exams; for the request of programmes of curricular units; for the emission of declarations, certificates, degree certificates and diplomas; for the use of clinical instruments; for carrying out of clinical internships outside of the university; for the administrative fee of use of services (labs, libraries, etc.) by external investigators.

3. The designation of tuition fees or school fees also include:
3.1. The amount payable for the registration of creditations granted due to studies taken in higher education courses that grant an academic degree, in national or foreign higher education institutions;
3.2. The amount payable for the registration of creditations granted due to studies taken in higher technical-professional courses in Portuguese institutions;
3.3. The amount payable for the creditation of extracurricular and individual subjects or of subjects successfully taken as an external student at UFP or ESS-FP;
3.4. The amount payable for the creditation of studies taken in courses that do not grant a degree, taught in national or foreign officially recognized higher education institutions;
3.5. The amount payable for the creditation of studies taken in technological specialization courses in Portuguese institutions;
3.6. The amount payable for the creditation of duly proven professional experience.

4. The tuition and school fees and method of payment are annually disclosed on the UFP and ESS-FP website.

5. The payment of the registration, inscription and attendance fees allow the student to enrol in 60 ECTS corresponding to all the subjects or curricular units of a specific school year.

6. A specific chart of tuition or school fees will be applied to students that are authorized to study part-time or per credit units.

7. The total of the tuition of registration is paid in the year the student enrols at UFP or ESS-FP, being valid for the years of duration of the course or study cycle.

8. Students enrolled in the last year of a course or study cycle of an undergraduate degree or integrated master, can be authorized to enrol in more than 60 ECTS, if they have up to four subjects overdue for the conclusion of the course’s curricular plan, as long as none of the overdue units has scientific or technical precedence, is a clinical teaching subject or a curricular internship.

Article nr. 2
Payment of the school fees

1. The payment of the school fees is made before the corresponding administrative act that it pertains to.

2. The tuition or school fees for the inscription and attendance of curricular units of a course of study cycle are always due in the totality, regardless of the moment in which the student enrols and starts attending the course.

3. The tuition or school fees are due per each school year that the student is enrolled and must be renewed and paid within the dates set in the annual administrative calendar.

4. The inscription that is not renewed within the dates set in the annual administrative calendar will have a penalty of 5% for each week of delay.

5. The renewal of inscription of students that were finalists but did not manage to complete the curricular plan, must be done until the fifth working day after the publication of the classification obtained in the last exam, special or extraordinary, that they have taken.

6. Students that enrol in UFP for the first time, must pay the registration fee, the inscription fee and the tuition fee reporting to the curricular units, when they register.
6.1. The tuition fee reports to the annual inscription in a specific school year or the semi-annual inscription in a specific curricular unit
6.2. The tuition fee can be paid in the following method: one instalment or 4 instalments (the 1st in September and the remaining 3 in December, March and June) or 11 instalments, equal and consecutive, between September and July;
6.3. The payments of the instalments must be done until 10th day of each of the 4 or 11 months in which they are due.
6.4. The payment is payable in each school year in which the student enrols and must be renewed and paid in the deadline established in the annual administrative calendar, normally during July, but never before the first working day of September.

7. The payment of the fees for the registration of creditations is always made when the student registers for the first time or when enrolling in the curricular units if already registered.
7.1. The amount to be paid for the registration of creditations is calculated according to item nr. 8.
7.2. The amount of the ECTS, necessary for this calculation, is obtained by dividing the yearly tuition fee of the course or study cycle to which the creditation applies by 45.

8. With the exception of students that have attended a course or study cycle at UFP or ESS-FP, the fee to be paid for the registration of creditations foreseen in nr. 3 of Article 1 of these General Norms, is obtained by multiplying the number of ECTS by the amount defined in 7.2.and then multiplying that result by:
8.1. For creditations indicated in item 3.1., multiply by 40% when the students were admitted to a course or study cycle, by the applicants with a higher education degree regime or by the transfer regime, from a higher education institution that is not from the European Union; by 30% when the studies were taken in a higher education institution from the European Union. For students that attended UFP or ESS-FP, the fee payable is the difference of the amount of the credit of the course or study cycle attended and amount of the credit of the course or study cycle they enrol in.
8.2. For creditations indicated in items 3.2., 3.3. and 3.4., multiply by 30%. In the case of students that attended UFP or ESS-FP, to determine the amount payable the final part of the previous line applies;
8.3. For creditations indicated in item 3.5. and 3.6., multiply by 0.50. In the case of students that attended UFP or ESS-FP, the final part of 8.1. applies;

9. Exceptionally, upon request from the student, duly justified, the payment of the fees to register creditation of previous studies or professional experience can be paid in instalments along with the monthly payments.

SINGLE PARAGRAPH: There are no refunds of any payments.

Article nr. 3
Exceptional discounts

1. Students that have completed a degree in UFP or ESS-FP, their spouses and children benefit of a discount in the tuition fee, 10% if paid in one instalment or 15% if paid in 11 monthly instalments.

2. When a father, mother and son/daughter attend UFP or ESS-FP simultaneously, the first one to register will benefit of a discount of 10% on the tuition fee and the others will benefit of a discount of 5% on the tuition fee, in the chosen method of payment.
3. When one or more siblings are studying at UFP simultaneously, the first one to register will benefit of a discount of 10% on the tuition fee and the second one, or the other ones, will each benefit of a discount of 5% on the tuition fee, in the chosen method of payment.

4. Non-retired members of socio-professional associations and their direct family members, covered by active protocols with UFP, benefit of a discount of 5% on the tuition fee in the monthly payment method.

5. Staff members of Fernando Pessoa Foundation and their direct relatives benefit of special discounts in the tuition fee, in variable percentages and specified case by case, according to their functionary category.

6. The discounts on the tuition fee are non cumulative and are not applied retroactively.

Article nr. 4
Forms of payment

1. The method of payment of the tuition or school fees is, by order of preference:
1.1. Through the ATM network (ATM reference available to the student in;
1.2. By debit or credit card, at the Registrar Office;
1.3. By bank transfer, done until the deadline stipulated in 6.3. of Article nr. 2, made mandatorily in the name of the student and with the indication of the student number.
1.4. In exceptional cases, the payment of the tuition or application fee can be done by PayPal, having the student to pay the corresponding expenses.

Article nr. 5
Infractions and penalties

1. Failure to pay the tuition fee within the appropriate deadline results in the immediate interruption of access to the Academic Information System (SIUPF) and its functionalities: virtual student office, e-learning platform and b-on and the student insurance.

2. Delays in the payments of the tuition fee involve a penalty, calculated according to a percentage of the fee, of 2,5% for the first week, 5% for the second week and 10% for the third week.

3. After three weeks of delay in the payment of the tuition fee, the registration is cancelled.
3.1. The cancellation of the registration means the students cannot attend any classes nor carry out any other academic acts, such as evaluation moments, internships and use of the pedagogical support services.
3.2. The reactivation of the registration, involves the payment of the overdue fees with a penalty of 10%.

4. Failure to renew the registration within the set period, or the interruption of the registration for two or more semesters, involves a re-entry request, that will only be attended after regularization of the students administrative situation.

5. No documents will be issued to students with an irregular administrative situation.

Article nr. 6
Additional fees

1. Students courses or study cycles of the health care area that carry out external clinical internships that require payments to the welcoming institution must pay, for that specific purpose, an additional fee of 3 € for each day of internship.
1.2. The amount due for the internships will be invoiced to the students during the month in which they are carried out, to be paid in the following month.

2. Students of the Integrated Master of Dentistry will pay an additional fee in the 4th and 5th year of the course, of 100 € each year, for the use and wear and tear of instruments used in UFP’s Dentistry Clinic.
2.1. This additional fee is paid, in each year, in two instalments of 50 €: the first in September and the second in February.

3. Students of the master degree in Psychology that carry out external internships must pay, for that specific purpose, an additional fee of 500 €.
3.1. The amount owed for the internship is paid in 10 instalments.

Article nr. 7
Final provisions

1. The tuition or school fees that are referred to in the present general rules are disclosed each year on the university’s website and on the notice board of UFP’s and of ESS-FP Registrar Offices.

2. Doubts in the interpretation and situations left out of these rules can be raised by the students in a written request, analysed case by case and decided by the founding body.

3. The present rules apply to the application and admission and registration renewal for the 2019/20 school year, and will remain in force until they are changed by decision of the founding body, after consultation of UFP’s Rector and ESS-FP’s Director.

Porto, 11th of June 2019.

The Administration Council of FFP